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Tilt-Pan autonomous camera for timelaps acquisition based on a Raspeberry-pi.


The first prototype proved the feasibility. It was based on a tilt-pan module (2x SG90 micro-servo) + raspberry-pi camera v1 with CS lens mount.


Some resulting videos are: http://video.terre-adelie.org/2016/2016-08-04-Melbu/video_4.mp4


The new basis is made of 9x9mm beech wood sticks (hetre) + 3d printed basis, RPi holder and servomoter holder. The scheme is available and here is a photo … http://imagizer.terre-adelie.org/2016-11-06/11h02m45-NIKON_D800.jpg

PWM generator

“Servo Pi - PWM Controller” from Kubii, actually a PCA9685 PWM I2C controler, 16 channels, 12 bits each (4096 values).

Panorama servo

DSS-M15S from DFRobot.

PWM frequency: 300 Hz,

valeur deg
525 98
550 97
600 90
700 80
800 69
900 59
1000 48
1100 38
1200 27
1300 16
1400 5
1500 -5
1600 -16
1700 -27
1800 -37
1900 -47
2000 -57
2100 -67
2200 -77
2300 -87
2400 -98
2500 -108
2600 -119
2700 -130
2800 -140
2900 -150
3000 -160
3100 -171
3200 -180
3300 -190
3350 -195

Those are raw values. PWM values needs to be converted in µs (300Hz, 4096 steps …) but the data look rather linear which is great. To simplify, we have a linear behavour:

Timing angle
420 µs 98°
picam.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/05/10 19:26 de jerome